Wednesday 30 November 2011

physix chapter 17 part 1

                                                              geometric optics..

                                                                   law of reflection

                                                        example quation n the solution..

chemistry chapter 7 part 1

this is my card..for more information,, you can contact my phone number or visit our website..thanx..

Tuesday 29 November 2011


alhmdulillah,,ari ni ok jew,,mcm biase..dlm otak t'pkir nk post pe je kt dlm nie..insyallah,,nnt aku post note2 sem 1..lps tu sem 2...then,,cter cket,,etc...tggu yew,,bdak bru blajar..haha ><

buku note sem 2

new thing in my life,,

my name mohammad firdaus bin kamaruddin,
i love islam,
i'm from selangor,
technical kedah matriculation college student 2011/2012,
nice to meetyou all in bloger..
happy in life always,,